Monday 15 June 2015

Come back..!!

Bashed by all, saying I've lost the touch,
The words don't flow & the depth ain't much.

Is it the less of Love or is it just You,
Feels like an eternity since the last kiss you blew

The allegations you hailed, touched a new low
Like a mere cripple, I stood watching the show.

Stepping on the Sidewalk, you were happy to leave,
Consoling my emotions I was left to grieve.

Already been a month & that's quite enough
My tears haven't stopped, looking at your stuff.

I promise I'll make it upto you for what I lack,
Baby, forget the past & Please come back.

Gimme a chance 'n it won't go in vain,
Just like the old times, we could be together again.

My eyes have only shed blood, ever since you left,
All I need is you, to reclaim the missing Zest..!!

--Lokesh Chauhan