Thursday 11 June 2015

A sweet little stalker..!!

Saw you the other day, trotting in the rain,
The yellow dress you wore, lit up the lane.

Chasing in the Market, to you I was glued
The perfume you wore, stirred up my mood.

Unable to control, its your hand I felt,
The heat it caused, was enough to melt.

Just when the crowd got alarmed, I had to sway,
But I'll be back for more, pouncing on my prey.

See, I ain't a bad guy, & my love for you is true,
Stop seeing that Buddy of yours, or I'll kill him too.

Not sure what people call, but I've named you June
It's just afew days more, & we'll be one soon.

Forget the money as I only 've my heart to Offer.
Meaning no harm, I'm just your sweet little stalker.

-- Lokesh Chauhan