Saturday 18 April 2015

A Fling for Life..!!


'A Fling for Life..!!' is based on a true story. Someone too close to me, went through the ordeal (unfortunately).

This is a common story of a boy and a girl meeting at office, to be the best of the friends. But does the friendship transform into love.? For it's not always that you have a happy ending. Do you.?
The boy loves (yes, he still does) the girl a lot, however, he couldn't say it to her. On her Face. And by the time, he garnered courage, she got hitched to someone else.

Come to think of it. You've loved someone for good 4 years but the other person still treats you only as a good friend. What could have been best for him? Backing off at the right moment or still persisting to woo her.


Sitting alone on the porch as I ponder on my past,
The light would've been still shining upon me, had I asked.

Quite long ago, when I first saw you in a Stark-Red frock,
A sparkling Clutch to match, you stood aloof from the flock.

It was a mutual friend at Office, who made us meet,
Felt as if the Gods had conspired in attaining this feat.

Putting up an effervescent grin as I came upto you,
Very soon we struck a chord and all my inhibitions flew.

Our occasional dates gradually transformed into a daily affair,
Trying to find my missing heart, I knew Love was in the air.

After four years of togetherness, we were a perfect blend,
Still contemplating your mind, I treated u only as a friend..!

Mustering all the courage one day, as I parted my lips to propose,
My heart sank, sensing the gravity of words you chose:

    "I know 'bout your feelings for me, but I still can't nod,
     Me sharing the same grief, it's only your happiness I pray to God."

    "I no longer have the right to command & that's only fair,
     But it's my engagement the coming week, and I want you there..!!"

Hailing infinite curses at Lord, that night I wept like a kid,
Yet standing in the banquet, behind a bouquet my face I hid.

Sitting besides your would-be man, my heart you ruthlessly mauled,
Still unable to comprehend the reason why I was called..!

Re-visiting the old memories, it was the last that I saw of you,
Not regretting a single moment, my Love I know is true..!

-- Lokesh Chauhan