Saturday 18 April 2015

Le monde Cruel..!!

Was a meek kid of ten, when he first pitched up his voice,
Parents objecting to his penchant for music, leaving no choice

Often struggling with his inner aspirations, did excel in studies,
Was always void of real pleasure compared to his "free" buddies.

Years passed by & he grew into a hunk,
Trying to woo the girls, not knowing he would flunk

His timid character kept the fairer-sex at bay,
Still desperate enough to clear the shades of grey.

Got into an MNC & worked day in and out,
Hoping of great perks without slightest of doubt.

The world came crashing in, when the news broke,
His Junior got promoted, making him look like a bloody joke...!

Finally coming to his senses, he learnt the trick,
To Win the World, you ought to bend the stick.

Gone are the days when the "true" used to rule,
Only he is the King who knows how to fool...!!

--Lokesh Chauhan