Saturday 18 April 2015

Life sans Love..!!

The First time I noticed your smile, when I was a Sophomore,
Your face had a radiance with certainly much more in Store.

I tried several antics, just make my presence feel,
You always remained aloof, wooing you was definitely a tough deal..!

Still shy of facing you, I managed to send a friend request,
My heart failed to contain the joy & the response was NOT what I had guessed.

Only an approval would have sufficed, but you sent a message too,
The lines you wrote touched my heart & in the air I flew.

"I am aware of your moves, and your intention towards me,
However, focusing on our studies is my advice to thee."

"You are a "decent-guy", and I take you as a friend,
For you, my support I am forever ready to lend."

Days passed by and our bond grew deep,
Gradually your trust in me increased by a leap.

With you beside, even the road-side chat felt divine,
Not ever wanting to let you go, I wished to stop the time,

The day had finally come & I was sure of my plan,
Your eyes turned moist, when I asked for your hand.

Citing a reason quite absurd, you stood like a frail corpse,
It wasnt our mistake for my religion wasn't the same as yours.

Not willing to re-consider, you still stood stern as a rock,
Inspite of many futile attempts, I failed to evade the shock.

Today, The world has turned upside-down, with an irony to cry,
My wish has NOW been granted & the time refuses to pass-by.

There hasn't been a single day in the past decade, when i didnt miss you,
For me, the sole meaning of love is YOU, coz it's indeed true..!!

- Lokesh Chauhan