Saturday 18 April 2015

Eyes Wide Open..!!

Stared at the roof, engrossed in thoughts quite deep,
Frantically Rolled on the bed, for I couldn't sleep.

Rang my friend, only to be abused by *beep* *beep*
Sheepishly smiled like a Sadist, but Still void of sleep.

Sprang upon the laptop, to have a quick Facebook peep,
All my buddies were offline, leaving only me who couldn't sleep.

Slowly came her thoughts & my eyes began to weep,
Missing her beside me, emptiness started to creep.

Not long ago the blunders I made, had started to reap,
Tried to put my body at eternal rest, for just one last sleep.

Popped the pills with all my courage, but the poison turned out cheap,
Death sure showed a middle finger, mocking along with the Sleep.

Sun shone across the Window, & Reality started to seep,
I had turned into a ruthless insomniac, forever devoid of Sleep...!!

-- Lokesh Chauhan