Saturday 18 April 2015

The Last Word..!!

Wrapping up my desk today, as I look back in time,
The feelings that I wish to convey would obviously rhyme.

A Day wouldn't ever complete without few P-one's and P-two's
But the post-celebrations were terrific, especially for the unlimited booze.

The credit for the upbeat-tempo, goes to our very-famous Level A,
Who invariably striving for team's success, lightens up the bay..!!

Besides few minor hiccups, my journey (3.5yrs) has been all hunky-dory.
It's finally time to move-on in Life, & for that I ain't sorry.

My quest for a perfect Employer is something I'm yet to crack,
Though presently it feels as if the GOOD days are BACK..!

Taking no grudges with me, today I'm parting on a good note,
Hoping to someday cross paths with you, donning the IT-overcoat.

-- Lokesh Chauhan