Saturday 18 April 2015

Definitely Not an Epilogue..!!

Was roaming around with friends
trying to squeeze the crux out of Life,

One fine day Dad came over to me & whispered
"Son, Let's go & meet your probable wife".

Felt as if my world turned upside down,
No-more Late night parties & no-more burning the grass brown.

Dragged my feet with all my might,
Only to witness an amazing sight.

Sitting alone in a corner, You fiddled with your hair,
I was Mesmerized by your look, Which certainly had a flair.

Listening to your voice, awoke the lost poet in me,
My heart could no longer flee and did agree on a LifeLong-spree.

Having you in my Life was indeed an apprehensive decision,
Nevertheless, it gave a great-start to our romantic-mission.

Now on the front porch as I lay,
I do think of you all day, having something to say :

My heart's heavy with all your love,
With you and me, nothing comes above.

-Lokesh Chauhan