Thursday 16 April 2015

Un easy Exit...!!


'Un easy Exit...!!' is a story about a farmer committing suicide for want of money, just to fulfill his (& his family's basic needs). Sadly, There are thousands of farmers who share this pain and agony. 

In Spite of 'heavy' measures being taken by the government, the count of suicides doesn't seem to decrease. 
The migration continues to increase. The count of people deserting this profession, continues to increase. 

Are we still unmoved? Have we forgotten what our moral duty is? 


Standing amidst the dead crop, as I wipe-off my tears,
The unseasonal rains had shambled my land with spears.

Staring ferociously at the Lord, I knew my fate was sealed,
The gushing water in the field, left nothing to yield.

Falling back on the Government, wasn't an option anymore,
Holding A Cheque of Rs. 200, I felt like a w.h.o.r.e..!

Recalling the promises I made, to my Kid, a day before
A box full of chocolates & A new toy from the Store.!

All my dreams were shattered, for I had no money even to feed
Forcing the kid to sleep hungry, my heart was about to bleed.

Fcuk the education, I couldn't cater their basic need,
Enjoying the show all along, the Lord paid NO heed.

Unable to resolve my hardships anymore, I looked for a way out
The option left for me to choose, was clear beyond any doubt.

Well, I failed miserably in Life with no expectations to meet,
My death would certainly mean : One less mouth to eat..!

Before taking the plunge in the Well, one more time I cried.
One less farmer in the Country, would still be just-another-suicide..!!

-- Lokesh Chauhan