Saturday 18 April 2015

A Rusty Heart..!


What happens when your feet are clutched with the daily boring routine, that just includes home to office and back to home. You start to lose the charm, the effervescence. "A Rusty Heart..!" is one such small poem about a boy caught in grave tentacles of Life. Yet, he has the determination to succeed. The will power to overcome.

However, just when you've managed to forget the past, and move ahead, What if the past comes back. What if it starts to feel like deja-vu all over again.?


Driving hysterically to Office, as I again got late
Squeezed my bike between cars, cursing the bloody fate.

Lost in my million woes, I woke up to a deafening roar
Hit by a car from back, the blood started to pour.

Yelling at the driver, to punch, my hand I drew
The face had a striking resemblance to the girl I once knew.

Recollecting the old times, we stood staring the other in the eye
Unfazed by the hundreds of speeding cars passing by.

The aroma that you always wore, still lingered on my face
Hoping to learn you're unmarried, I pried to find a trace.

In Spite of being six years, since you left after the hideous fight
I'm still unable to wipe off the tears you brought, the very unfateful night.

For all the agony you inflicted on me, I parted my lips to scream
A tight slap by my dad, instantly woke me up from the dream…!

The sexy figure had now transformed into an angry old man
Somehow saving my ass, to the Office I quickly ran.

Hiding from my manager, as I stealthily entered the bay
My boss pounced on me like a tiger leaping on its prey.

The afternoon meet with the Client brought a new ray hope,
Spotting her in the Conf. Room, gave me a high without the dope.

She had grown up the ladder winning accolades for her team,
And I had stumbled at every phase like a falling beam.

Instead of leaving the trash, I was chewing the same old bread,
The key to a happy Life is only in moving ahead...!

-- Lokesh Chauhan