Saturday 18 April 2015


Surrounded by hundreds all dressed up in Blue,
Each of 'em cheering up for he had no Clue.

Climbing the pinacle of success, he did seem an Ace,
Feeling alone in midst of Crowd, the JOY never showed up on his Face.

Had come a long way, far off from his close ones,
Desperately trying to shun his cries which sounded like Blazing Guns.

The luxurious couch suddenly seemed like a nail in the back,
Missing the divine pleasure of an evening tea with friends on just a shitty-wooden rack.

The Mercedes he owned, now seemed like a piece of brick,
Long ago a mere cycle-ride with his gang could give him the Kick..!

Looking in the mirror, he now finds a frail guy,
Repenting his mistake, does wonder with a sigh

The pleasure you seek depends on your deeds,
But the Karma is lost when the greed exceeds..!!

-- Lokesh Chauhan