Saturday 18 April 2015

Mea Culpa

Sitting under the tuscan sun, as I recollect the old time.
Does make me a SHITTY-Poet, even makes me rhyme.

Of all the tantrums you kept me throwing,
It was mostly the conversations that kept me going.

Makes me elated just the way it makes me frown,
It's still had to forget those eyes deep brown.

Lately, I curse the evening we met to sort things out,
It didn't mean anything to you, even when I cried out loud.

Hanging onto your last touch, I never wanted you to leave.
Afraid of not having enough strength to heave.

Kept staring into the dark, long after you were gone,
Still craved for your love which I never won.

Composing myself all along I trotted by the law,
Quickly forgetting the grief by the scene I saw.

A girl across the street greeted me with a wink,
My eyes did lit up not even ready to blink.

Now all I can say is:-
My love for you was true even though me being a FLIRT,
Dedicating this poem to you was the least I cud do to clear the DIRT...!
