Saturday 18 April 2015

Thy Leader...!!

Dressed in khadi with swell shades to dote,
I took off to the polling-booth to cast my vote.

All set to choose, I searched for their sign,
Failed in spotting the "lotus", though others seemed just fine.

Still trying to figure out, the Officer squealed aloud,
"You are not alone here, can't you see the crowd.?"

"Modi is my leader, & I'm here to increase his tally",
Pat came the reply, "But in Pune, Shiv-Sena is their Ally".

With all my ignorance, I asked "Then, What's their sign.?"
His eyes turned red as if I were a filthy Swine.

Trusting his word, I finally chose the bow & Arrow,
Hoping to elect my leader who's indeed emerged as a PHARAOH...!

**Based on my voting experience at Pune**