Saturday 21 March 2015

The Slow Death..

Was once a kid, Not older than thirteen,
Flabbergasted by the people attracted to your sheen.

The feeling was mutual, at least that's what I thought.
Not taking much time, we intertwined just like a knot.

Trusting my new friend, I did appreciate the bond,
Unaware of the consequences that lay beyond.

Being in your company I always felt light,
Still trying to fight the urge with all my might.

Felt myself crippled, quite sooner than I thought,
Feeling the pain in my heart just like a blood clot.

The time had come when I could no longer live,
Helplessly watching you with someone else showing the same jive.

Had always overlooked the warnings written in red,
Forgetting that they call you a DEATHLY cigarette.

Yet cherishing the moments each time we met,
And not feeling the slightest of regret.

Now all I wonder is :
A stick so small, yet the pleasure so divine,
Just can't get enough of you, Not even with the finest of wine.
