Saturday 21 March 2015

A Flirt's Lament...!!

Finds a gal so pretty, turns into a hunk
Would give anything for her, even ready to flunk.

Lost in the love, he stalks her to convey,
only to know that she doesn't entertain and keeps him at bay.

Mr. hunk, nevertheless, tries new tricks saying its only fair,
Silly gal falls for him this time, impressed by his flair.

Days pass by only to draw them close,
Each Happy with the partner they chose,

Mr. Hunk, on the other hand, still looks for prey,
knowing that 'when the cat is away, the mice do play'.

The Gal, though silly, isn't a bimbo,
Walks over the relationship, leaving him in a limbo.

Mr. Hunk, though being a flirt, not happy in the end,
Deep inside still wanting to amend.

But as the day that passes by never comes again,
Flushes her memories down the drain with pain.

A lover or a flirt aren't much different
In the end, each has something to lament..!!