Wednesday 18 March 2015

What goes around, comes around...!!

Slogged like a rat the whole year, just to become a Lead
The day finally came, only to be stabbed in the back & left to bleed.

**Later in the day**
Furiously Stepped on the gas, making the engine roar,
Swirled wildly as cylinders caught fire, with all my anger to pour.

A harrowing wail pierced my ears with sudden blood on the Windshield,
My eyes grew wide, realising who the person was, about to be killed.

Lying on his back, the victim turned out to be my very own boss,

Though feeling sorry on his plight, my face lit up with an evil gloss.

My trust-once-lost in Lord, was now revamped to a new high,
Having settled the scores, my heart did finally heave a sigh..!!

**Disclaimer** : All the characters / situations depicted in this write-up are purely fictional & should be taken on lighter side. Any relation to any person living or dead, whatsoever, is merely co-incidental.