Wednesday 18 March 2015

An Arduous squeal..!!

Slogging for many a months, saving dollars for my tour,
The destination I had always dreamt of, suddenly failed to lure.

For long, the India I knew, was about its heritage and traditions,
Though the recent episodes only strengthened my inhibitions.

The colleagues of mine returning from India, narrate a sordid tale,
Was once a land of affectionate people, who no longer prevail?

The Streets are desolated & the nights have turned eerie,
With a thousand eyes preying on you, venturing alone is scary

Each passing day unveils severe atrocities on the foreign resident,
The situation nowhere seems to improve, with the rationale apparently evident.

Today, it calls for a meticulous transformation in changing its face,
To Revive the lost faith in women, across the globe, with grace.

Disclaimer: The above write-up is composed in regards to the latest unfortunate incidents in our Country rendering the female community highly unsafe..!!