Saturday 21 March 2015

Good Bye..!!

Just out of my college, Was a guy with grit.
Faced the toughest of the ordeals with enough wit.

Made new friends and tried to forget the gal of his dreams.
It Wasn't easy..but he being a flirt acknowledged all his gleams.

Then came the time to NOT fcuk up with the grades.
And display his true traits towards his trades.

Smart as he was, did kill two birds in a single shot.
Grades on one hand and a NEW gal in another slot.

Life wasn't so easy on him, and the gal ditched him like a trash.
Friends got apart and she got rid of him in a flash.

Appreciations did galore and he won the flight to glory,
But being all alone, the happiness didn't suffice even for a post in a senatory.

He cut off the strings and moved on to a new area.
Thinking it would be best to make new friends in a feria.

But the attitude which couldn't be changed compelled him to come back to his friends..
In spite of being burnt by their harsh words was still ready to make amends..

Changed his perspective towards Life and work..
In the end Was blessed with friends who would never shirk..!!
